The game is planned to be released through digital distribution. Key Generator Since then numerous concept artworks and early in-game test screens have been released on the official site. Full Stainless Games aimed to raise over $400,000 (£250,000) via Kickstarter in order to produce the game. There is also a developer's blog on the official site to chronicle progress. Stainless also revealed they had secured an increased budget, and along with expanding the game's content were now aiming to simultaneously release Reincarnation on next-generation consoles too (such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One).
Kickstarter backers have their own private forum section. On May 8, 2012 it was announced on the official website that Carmageddon: Reincarnation would be funded through Kickstarter, with a promised release in February 2013 via Steam. People who pledged more than $1000 for the project would have the chance to be featured in the game. Patch The $400,000 target was reached with 10 days, when it was announced that if the project raised $600,000 then Mac and Linux versions would also be produced.
The game is currently in the Alpha stages of development: Some clips have been shown demonstrating working physics, cars, environments and pedestrians. Serial Key In 2011, after buying back the rights to the series from then-current copyright holders Square Enix Europe, original Carmageddon developers Stainless Games revealed that a new Carmageddon game was in early pre-production stages. This new target was met by the campaign's end on June 6, 2012 - with a total of $625,143 raised. Stainless are looking to their loyal fanbase for feedback and suggestions, regularly asking their official forums for suggestions of what players/levels/power-ups should return for C:R. Crack While the Kickstarter campaign outlined a Spring 2013 release, later blog updates pushed the release date back to 2014.

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