To balance this, the general also restricts other areas of the army by raising prices or banning the use of troops and powers that are unrelated to the general's forte. Crack Modern warfare has never seen the likes of these hysterically stereotypically insane unadaptable Generals before. Each general has a map and a prefabbed base geared toward their personality when you fight them (for example, General Townes has a pentagonally shaped military base with perfectly symmetrical defenses on each entrance). Key Generator Each general emphasizes a facet of the military they represent from infantry to nuclear power, giving special benefits to the player in these areas. In it, the player chooses a general and fights (nearly) every other general in succession. Patch Unleash 30 new units and 20 new upgrades including China's ECM Tank, the GLA's Battle Bus, and the USA's Specter Gunship.
In addition to a new set of campaigns, Zero Hour introduces a new General-oriented Challenge mode. Serial Key Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour expands the number of Generals you can use by adding 3 variant Generals to each faction for a total of 12 Generals (when you include vanilla USA, GLA, and China). Full The final fight introduces a special Chinese general that has a combination of units picked from every faction's arsenal, as well as all three factions' superweapons. Continue the campaign against terrorists & communism in 15 new missions or engage fight Generals from around the globe as you match strategies and arsenals against 9 masterminds of modern war with unpredictable personalities and tactics. To the author's knowledge, she is not unlockable.

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